Friday, May 09, 2008

What is CMC?

Vanakkam (thats Tamil for Hi). In case u noticed the change in language, its because of the shift in the site of my infestation. I and my roach buddies packed our bags and egg cocoons, shifting location 2 the wonderful city of Vellore. make that the wonderful speck on the map of india, vellore. the reason for doing so being my unforseen good fortune which got me a seat in CMC, Vellore. well, actually it was two suitcases full of green stuff 2 each of my interviewers, but who doesn't do that nowadays. Not long ago kids used 2 give their teacher an apple to make them happy. now they give a ticket for a 7-day all expenses paid trip to Bali. No wonder Goerge Bush complains about the 'improved indian standard of living'. coming back to the topic of discussion, what exactly is CMC? is it just another med skool where they teach u 2 cut up bodies and root around inside for nerves and arteries? Hell No! Its the SECOND BEST MEDICAL COLLEGE IN INDIA, where they teach u 2 cut up bodies and root around inside for nerves and arteries.. hmmm, thats not a lot u say. well, my dear jobless reader, let me tell u this. nowhere else in India r u gonna find a college with such a great geographical representation as CMC. In my class of 60, we have Mals, Tams, Goltis, Kannadigars, Maharashtrians, Mumbaikars, Bhopalese, Oriyans, Biharis, Chinkys, Bongs, Bhais of North India, pple from Dhoni-land and even a mandarin speaking, chinese malaysian. Not to mention the Tamals, Malmils and other similar hybrids. what national integration! Gandhiji must be proud.
CMC, Vellore is like a town inside a town. its world is totally different to chaotic life outside its walls. People come there 2 study, stay back to treat (and heal), and end up spending their entire lives as CMC-ites. there r even third generation students, whose grandparents and parents studied there. no wonder its like a community of its own, our only contact with the outside world being the anthropologists who come 2 observe our primitive culture and habits :) Life in CMC is too rich and varied 2 b compressed into a few lines and i'm not going 2 attempt 2 do so. Noone can change CMC, it changes us. whoever comes there 2 study or 2 work, changes; silently, sub-consciously. its true for me too. i've actually written two sentences without talking nonsense! The answer to the question of what is CMC is not easy, it can't be explained, only experienced. maybe thru my ramblings you'll b able 2 get a picture abt the place. if u can't, don't worry, u can always come and find out for u'rself. we'll b waiting with open arms.. and buckets of water. Happy Ducking! :D


thebeardedman said...

due to the total lack of concern on the part of my faithful readers, i am forced 2 leave comments for myself in order 2 feel happy. come on u guys, one teeny weeny comment, once in a while atleast.. pleeease..

Anonymous said...

umm??? :D

Unknown said...

lemme comment. there are no kannadigars in our batch.

BLADE The Rock said...

since i know nothing about reading writin nor cmc..........i'm sure my comment will be the most useful.....When u said so much about CMC u missed a vital point so relevant to us...CMC..Couple Makin College...Let ppl like us survive man..........

thebeardedman said...

for practical purposes, guntu is one :)

dude, such things r meant 2 b EXPERIENCED, not xplained. but i suppose u pple shud know that better than me