Friday, May 09, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

hey, long time no see.. why haven't u visited my blog for so long. so what if i didn't update it for so many months? u cud hav atleast come and checked!! well, i forgive u. just keep coming bac once in a while and remind 2 put up more boring posts :)
Anyway, i've got good news (good for me atleast). I just got a new laptop. new as in after three years of servicing done by my bro to see if it works fine. he got a new one so he gave this to dad. dad's getting a new one so he's given this to me. so i guess u see what position i occupy in my family food chain. thats right, i give company to the bacteria, worms and vegetation! still, a laptop is a laptop and i'm not complaining (maybe a little, but thats expected). This one's an IBM Thinkpad, and in good working condition. its got some cool features. if u look thru the side where the CD drive used to be, u can see light from the other side. the ventilation rocks! my bro sed that this open set-up reduces the load on the laptop's cooling system. he designed it himself when he er.. purposefully let it fall from his table. I'm lucky that my bro is such a gadget genius. All the same, now i have a little more freedom. since i have a lappy now, i suppose i can blog more often. so after the posts of June 17, 2006 and June 17, 2007 i am updating the blog again with much fanfare. lets hope that the laptop stays together for atleast a few more posts. till u visit again, bye.

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