Sunday, May 25, 2008

De Deadly Drill

U hav heard abt it, but i don't think many wud hav xperienced it. Old grandmother stories talk abt the torture, the pain, the life altering trauma and its consequences after a visit to THE DENTIST!!! 2 keep it short, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
my trip to drillsville came as a direct result one too many complaints 2 mom abt discomfort in my lower jaw. What were intended as ruses 2 keep her from driving me 2 study ended up as a pretty good xplanation of the proverb 'from the fryin pan into the frikkin FIRE'. needless to say, calls were made, appointments were fixed n' my soul was sold 2 the devil. ever the irrepressible i tried my best to wriggle out of the dastardly situation by professing my amazement at the remarkable change in fortune that the toothache had mysteriously disappeared. but when fate's got u'r name first on hotlist to hell there's pretty much nothin u can do abt it. i was gagged and taken in the trunk of the car all the way to ****** Dental Centre! (name withheld for fear of life). The white lab coat clothed demons at ****** welcomed me inside with pleasant smiles. one look at their equipments n' suddenly my tongue was fighting with a furiosouly beating heart for space in my mouth. speed was of the essence. I had noticed while outside that a load of bricks was stacked up just below the window of the centre. Although it was a good 20 foot drop to ground i figured the bricks would break my fall (not literally). But just then, to my utter consternation, one of the demons ordered its slave creature 2 shut the windows. 'to prevent insects from flying in' it said, but i knew the truth. It was really meant to prevent this little bug from flying out *gasp* As i was made to lie down on an ultra soft flexible couch thingy, i feverently prayed for a miracle to save me from my untimely doom. I opened my mouth and the last thing i remember was the blood curdling scream...
I woke up some time later hoping to see Gandhiji, Nehru and the cute little pet kitten which i accidentally flushed down the toilet last week; but wonder of wonders i was sitting in the waiting room of ****** Dental Centre with an ice pack taped to one side of my face. Upon my awakening joyous shouts rent the air. i started waving the cheers down, playing down the great escape as merely a walk in the park for me. It was only later that i realised that the shouts were really for the demon who struggled to its feet beside me. upon seeing the inside of my buccal cavity it had become so filled with terror that it screamed and passed out. Its demoness partner came up n' somehow managed to twist and pound my teeth back into shape. for the trouble it took them, i was given a broken molar as a parting gift. All said and done, my parents praised me for the courage i showed in not letting out a single squeak (Little do they know that i zonked out before i cud even think abt screaming) But like all pretty smiles, their admirations too came to an end, when they received a bill with more digits than i can count. N my jaw still hurts..

Friday, May 09, 2008

hey, 'Oh Happy Day' post was put up before this one

What is CMC?

Vanakkam (thats Tamil for Hi). In case u noticed the change in language, its because of the shift in the site of my infestation. I and my roach buddies packed our bags and egg cocoons, shifting location 2 the wonderful city of Vellore. make that the wonderful speck on the map of india, vellore. the reason for doing so being my unforseen good fortune which got me a seat in CMC, Vellore. well, actually it was two suitcases full of green stuff 2 each of my interviewers, but who doesn't do that nowadays. Not long ago kids used 2 give their teacher an apple to make them happy. now they give a ticket for a 7-day all expenses paid trip to Bali. No wonder Goerge Bush complains about the 'improved indian standard of living'. coming back to the topic of discussion, what exactly is CMC? is it just another med skool where they teach u 2 cut up bodies and root around inside for nerves and arteries? Hell No! Its the SECOND BEST MEDICAL COLLEGE IN INDIA, where they teach u 2 cut up bodies and root around inside for nerves and arteries.. hmmm, thats not a lot u say. well, my dear jobless reader, let me tell u this. nowhere else in India r u gonna find a college with such a great geographical representation as CMC. In my class of 60, we have Mals, Tams, Goltis, Kannadigars, Maharashtrians, Mumbaikars, Bhopalese, Oriyans, Biharis, Chinkys, Bongs, Bhais of North India, pple from Dhoni-land and even a mandarin speaking, chinese malaysian. Not to mention the Tamals, Malmils and other similar hybrids. what national integration! Gandhiji must be proud.
CMC, Vellore is like a town inside a town. its world is totally different to chaotic life outside its walls. People come there 2 study, stay back to treat (and heal), and end up spending their entire lives as CMC-ites. there r even third generation students, whose grandparents and parents studied there. no wonder its like a community of its own, our only contact with the outside world being the anthropologists who come 2 observe our primitive culture and habits :) Life in CMC is too rich and varied 2 b compressed into a few lines and i'm not going 2 attempt 2 do so. Noone can change CMC, it changes us. whoever comes there 2 study or 2 work, changes; silently, sub-consciously. its true for me too. i've actually written two sentences without talking nonsense! The answer to the question of what is CMC is not easy, it can't be explained, only experienced. maybe thru my ramblings you'll b able 2 get a picture abt the place. if u can't, don't worry, u can always come and find out for u'rself. we'll b waiting with open arms.. and buckets of water. Happy Ducking! :D

Oh Happy Day!

hey, long time no see.. why haven't u visited my blog for so long. so what if i didn't update it for so many months? u cud hav atleast come and checked!! well, i forgive u. just keep coming bac once in a while and remind 2 put up more boring posts :)
Anyway, i've got good news (good for me atleast). I just got a new laptop. new as in after three years of servicing done by my bro to see if it works fine. he got a new one so he gave this to dad. dad's getting a new one so he's given this to me. so i guess u see what position i occupy in my family food chain. thats right, i give company to the bacteria, worms and vegetation! still, a laptop is a laptop and i'm not complaining (maybe a little, but thats expected). This one's an IBM Thinkpad, and in good working condition. its got some cool features. if u look thru the side where the CD drive used to be, u can see light from the other side. the ventilation rocks! my bro sed that this open set-up reduces the load on the laptop's cooling system. he designed it himself when he er.. purposefully let it fall from his table. I'm lucky that my bro is such a gadget genius. All the same, now i have a little more freedom. since i have a lappy now, i suppose i can blog more often. so after the posts of June 17, 2006 and June 17, 2007 i am updating the blog again with much fanfare. lets hope that the laptop stays together for atleast a few more posts. till u visit again, bye.