Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Journey Begins

Ya rite, I hear a lot abt the jungle out there but haven't got a chance to see it yet. In about two weeks time I might. All I have with me is my head (which doesn't count for much), and a stripling, close to 6 foot, skeletal frame. Then I got mama's advice:

1. Don't talk to strangers
2. Take a bath everyday
3. Girls in mini-skirts are evil

No way I'm gonna be a dork with this advice. As part of my first steps I have started this blog. It will not chronicle my pathetically boring life. It will not tell you what I'm eating or wearing. It will not tell you how I will become a superhero who rises inspite of the odds stacked up high against him. It will tell you what the title says, how I don't have a clue about what the Big Fat World is gonna b like. Oh yeah, this is gonna b fun...

1 comment:

Akhil said...

saw ur comment on my blog... who are u?